If it’s Good Enough For Oprah’s Mom

Oprah Winfrey’s mom runs up a $156,000 bill and then says she shouldn’t pay because the store should not have extended her credit. See my previous post. Come on people, step up and take responsibility for your actions.

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“Help Me”, “No, Help Me”

The financial bailout is just one more sign people don’t take responsibility for their own problems. Stock owners only care about their nest-eggs. Home owners only care about keeping their house or getting a free ride on a smaller mortgage. Politicians only care about getting elected and won’t fix a problem. I want to know what’s in it for the majority of people who didn’t speculate on their house or stocks. What’s in it for people are not running for political office? Nothing except more taxes. + Read More

Who Owns Paypal?

EBay of course. When eBay announces they will no long accept checks and money orders for transactions, who benefits? The user or eBay? Are they protecting their users or are they raking in a little more from Paypal charges? I guess I should err on the side of an honest try to protect the user, but I’m still a bit skeptical. + Read More


I think blogging can be my new procrastination tool. When I don’t feel like working on something that makes money, I can just write. This is motivation, at least to blog. Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an important task that should be done now. What are some of the ways you procrastinate? How can I stop procrastinating? I’ll share a few tips I’ve seen over the years. + Read More

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