Really? Gold or Nothing?
When did we become a nation of Gold or nothing? The news media make second place sound like the line from Ricky Bobby, “”If you ain’t first, you’re last.” What hogwash. Making it to the Olympics is a monumental task. Receiving a medal in the Olympics is nothing short of amazing.
Last night, while comfortably and lazily lying on my couch, I thought how impressed I’d be if I had a guest over to my home that was in the Olympics. The conversation wouldn’t be about what medal they received it would be, “wow, you made it to the Olympics.” Then the conversation might proceed to, “no way, you got a bronze medal, in the Olympics, against all the best in the world.” Certainly I wouldn’t be thinking you are such a loser because you didn’t get a Gold medal.
Athletes give up a lot to simply participate. They give a lot more to make it to the Olympics. As the father of a college athlete I know about the sacrifices that are made simply to be on the team. Short Christmas breaks, no free time in the afternoon, short summers. The list goes on from there.
All of us, including the media, need to celebrate our athletes. Give them a small token of appreciation for all they’ve given up to be the best in the world. The best in the world!