Are you excited or angry?

MSNBC is conducting a poll: The House has passed an historic health care overhaul. Are you excited or angry?


The majority of MSMBC viewers lean toward the left and at the very least support President Obama. It appears if everything else stays about the same democrats may be in for some hard times come November. They are not willing to listen to the people that voted them in so I guess those same people will vote them out. It is sad because this country needs a real solution to the problem. Maybe after we are another trillion or so in debt and it still doesn’t work they will all try again and come up with a solution. I’m not holding my breath.


I think blogging can be my new procrastination tool. When I don’t feel like working on something that makes money, I can just write. This is motivation, at least to blog. Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an important task that should be done now. What are some of the ways you procrastinate? How can I stop procrastinating? I’ll share a few tips I’ve seen over the years. + Read More