Wear Your Motorcycle Helmet
I have a huge pet peeve; people riding down the road won a motorcycle with no helmet. Hello, are you stupid? Do you know how many people get killed each year in motorcycle accidents? It’s just not that hard to put on your helmet. In many states, it’s the law. If you are in to racing it’s also imperative that you wear protective gear including gloves, boots, suits, and helmets. Need some gear or a Helmet? Sportbike Track Gear sells just about everything you need for riding. The have a special on Bell Vortex Helmets and they have a ton of video reviews that are easy to follow and understand.
A few facts: In 2006 the number of deaths on motorcycles in 2006 was about 35 times the number in cars. In 2007, there were more deaths in motorcycle accidents than in any year since the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began collecting fatal crash data. Helmets decrease death related head injuries and the severity of head injuries. According to the NHTSA, helmets alone can reduce the likelihood of a fatal crash by 37%.